Frequently Asked Questions

Emergency volunteers may be needed for all types of jobs at various times during the week. It depends on when the community organisation has requested extra hands to help. Frequently the assistance is required over weekends.
Depending on the size of the disaster, there could be different shifts over a number of days and you may be able to help out at one time but not at other times, depending on your availability.
If emergency volunteers are needed in your area, our EV CREW staff member may contact you to see if you are free to help out during the times scheduled.
Should you want to help during your working hours, have a talk to you employer before a disaster is expected to see if your employer is prepared to support your volunteering in this way.
That particular community organisation will then ensure you receive any induction or orientation necessary before you start the role.
If you are contacted, our EV CREW staff member will discuss with you the shifts available and you can then choose to help for the length of time that suits you.
Similarly accommodation in an affected area may not be readily available after a disaster because it is needed by those who were forced to leave their homes as a result of the disaster.
We will search our registered volunteers whose skills and availability match the needs of that organisation – then we call those EV CREW volunteers to offer them a specific volunteering time.
If you have confirmed that you will attend, EV CREW will then provide your contact details to the organisation managing that activity. You will receive a confirmation email from us containing all the details about the activity. Sometimes the particular organisation might also contact you directly before the activity.
Some skills are more common than others, so for general volunteering opportunities, we will usually try and contact people who live close to the affected community. Similarity if a required skill is less common, we may have to request volunteers from further afield.
It all depends on when and where an emergency happens, and what kind of recovery activities are being planned by an affected community. Some people who register as EV CREW volunteers may not hear from us for many months. It is therefore important to keep your contact details up-to-date.
They will only be called upon to assist before a disaster in the preparation phase or after the immediate response phase once the danger has passed. In the recovery phase affected communities may need volunteer assistance for many weeks or months – sometimes even years – after the emergency has passed.
Queensland’s emergency services organisations – such as the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services, Queensland Ambulance Service, Queensland Police Service and Australian Red Cross – deploy highly trained and skilled staff and volunteers to respond to immediate emergencies.
Some of these agencies offer ongoing volunteering opportunities, such as the Rural Fire Service Queensland and the State Emergency Service. Please contact these organisations directly should you wish to register your interest with them.
When we call you to volunteer we will let you know exactly what you will need.
Please do not bring any other person unless they are registered to volunteer. Please do not bring your children or any pets.
You’ll be covered by that organisation’s insurance policies, and you’ll need to follow their guidance and directions. Sometimes these may be provided to you by the organisation by email prior, and some might just give them to you on the day.
Make sure you ask the supervisor if you have any questions about the organisation’s processes, or your rights and responsibilities.
There you can search thousands of vast and varied volunteering opportunities throughout the state. You can get involved in the arts, environmental conservation, sports, or welfare. You can help the homeless, children, animals, the elderly, refugees, or people living with disabilities. You can use or develop your skills in research, admin, tutoring, marketing, retail, management, and much more.
There are one off events, short-term projects and long-term roles. Search based on your interests, motivations, availability and location. Whichever role you choose, you'll be helping Queensland communities.